
Sunday, November 25, 2007

Translation: Yeh Honsla from Dor

With a belief that one day my poems and songs will reach a wider audience, I present you with a translation of one of my favorite songs penned by Mir Ali Hussein. The movie Dor is a beautiful movie written and directed by Nagesh Kuknoor, and apart from the song I translate here, has Kesariya Balam (a classic melody) and Iman ka asar (a lilting tune, awesome lyric).

yeh honsla kaise ruke (How can this Belief yield?)

How can this belief yield?
How can this desire cease?
Its a stiff goal: so what?
Fogged is the shore: so what?
This hearts' alone: so what?

If thorn are strewn on path,
you still need to walk on,
The evening might cloak the sun,
but the night has to end as dawn.

This season will pass,
Your valor will bloom
Sunshines will resume

How can this belief yield?
How can this desire cease?
If good-will is granted to us,
The summer will pass in shade
I pray to God this way:
May our goals embrace us.

May there be darings hundred
And steep be getting accepted
Yet may all loves survive to end

How can this belief yield?
How can this desire cease?

यह हौन्सला कैसे झुके,
यह आरज़ू कैसे रुके

मंजिल मुश्किल तो क्या,
धुन्धला साहिल तो क्या,
तनहा ये दिल तो क्या
हो हो

राह पे कांटे बिखरे अगर,
उसपे तो फिर भी चलना ही है,
शाम छुपाले सूरज मगर,
रात को एक दिन ढलना ही है,

रुत ये टल जायेगी,
हिम्मत रंग लाएगी,
सुबह फिर आएगी

यह हौन्सला कैसे झुके,
यह आरज़ू कैसे रुके
होगी हमें जो रहमत अदा,
धूप कटेगी साए तले,
अपनी खुदा से है ये दुआ,
मंज़िल लगाले हमको गले

जुर्रत सौ बार रहे,
ऊँचा इकरार रहे,
जिंदा हर प्यार रहे

यह हौन्सला कैसे झुके,
यह आरज़ू कैसे रुके


Anonymous said...

it's a very very nice effort.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, this is a beautiful song and you have done a great job translating.

Anonymous said...

Very nice translation!:)