When I ask the warriors: Why do you fight war?
They say, it is for a beloved. It is a justified war.
But isn't slaying humans a sin in every religion?
They smile at my naiveté, avow: It is a sanctified war.
What is your fascination with unfurling flags over graves?
Ask Homer or Ved Vyas, it is the poets who glorified war.
Enemy women are raped daily: Why media never reports it?
Press ought to suppress inhuman truths. It is a dignified war.
Don't you know that battles destroyed Napoleon, the British empire?
They fought for glory, we for money. It is a commercialized war.
If the quest is of peace, then why keep bombing the Middle East?
It is a shock and awe measure to banish a terrified War.
Why are millions condemned to die at one President's war-whim?
Its of the people, for the ..., by the ... -- it is a democratized war.
Isn't the altar of War-God overrun by blown-up bodies, refugees?
He requires human sacrifice. How else can be pacified War?
Give Vivek a hope for a future without guns, bombs or wails.
Why lie? For God, land, money, women, oil - we'll ever fight war.
Published first on The Ghazal Page (Volume 1, 2012)
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