In glowing blushes
Your red cheeks are embers
That scorch my eyes!
For all the yearning
Your face can produce
I should muster courage
And to your offer refuse
For if, my lady, I stay today
Nothing will ever take me away!
He caught a dream
On the palm of his hand
And with index finger
Crushed it till it left
Just a cold memory
On an angry surface!
Like her parched lips
Her memories too
Have lost the flavor of
Rosy, juicy delight
And like shades of grey
That her head bears
My feelings for her
Have dimnished, darkened!
Incidentally, I do not love her
In spite of what you make out of
My continuous desire to talk
To her laughing eyes
Or my persistant attempts
To walk by her side
As the cool breeze fills
My heart with her perfume
And I do not think about her
Always as you seem to imagine
Though her thoughts cross
The trails of my imagination
As a comet that lits up
Bright sky for a lone watcher
Gazing into empty night sky!
She always wrote to me
Her responses in poetry
And in slurs, served in blurs
Dismissed me absolutely!
Her rhyming was perfect
And verses quite abstract
Sentenced in no uncertainity
Rejections quite abject!
Using similies and pun
She composed for fun
Metaphorical associations
To leave me undone!
English and Hindi poetry & prose, published as well as unpublished, experimental writing. Book reviews, essays, translations, my views about the world and world literature, religion, politics economics and India. Formerly titled "random thoughts of a chaotic being" (2004-2013). A short intro to my work:
Book review
Books Read
Dharma (Hinduism / Vedanta)
Movie review
Short Story
Village Poems
1 comment:
from sulekha:
chayalife comments:
on Apr 7 2005 9:44PM delete this comment block this user
Yep, it takes some getting used to. But if you aspire to author a novel...perhaps its a good idea to get used to the curiosity eh? :-))
Thanks for the applause and compliments. I have learnt that it is easier to accept everything as a helps you live better!! :-)))
Now that was a nice suggestion. But come to think of it, if I had to work as an editor for a pay, I'd get bored with it, and not do it so well....Lollz!!
Actually, I've been having a bit of a rough (rut) spot with something on the work bench...hence the spamming on the comments board. :-))))
Still, I enjoy it....its like a long stroll in a crowded fair (Maria, miss ya!!) and it feels good to randomly shake strangers hands and pat them on their back...hmmm the block seems to be lifting...gotta go...
Seeya on blogger...:-)))))))))
Vivek Sharma comments:
on Apr 7 2005 7:56PM delete this comment block this user
Well Chaya: I am sure everyone would be unanimous in proclaiming u as the chayalife of sulekha's weblog section:)...
You sure are quite prolific and I think I saw Miss PG posted that in a comment that u r everywhere. In fact, yesterday I was actually astonished to see how you swamped the comments section within a few minutes of coming online:):).
Maybe sulekha should hire u as editor, and pay you for the job you do so nicely (unasked)! Its great to have a "chayalife" here (Applause applause:)!!)
I suffered after posting that reply (I knew I was throwing a tantrum), and hence followed it with immediate second:):) Like your love letters, my romantic poems have always made people ask who is she:), etc etc. and maybe getting used to such questions is also a part of maturing.
I post similar stuff on and occasional comments on orkut:).
chayalife comments:
on Apr 7 2005 7:39PM delete this comment block this user
Hey Vivek,
And you thought I was curious eh?? :-)) No, I am not...
The reason I asked you > I noticed that it was 'mature' (for want of a more refined word..:-(), more evolved, progressive...than some of your earlier published poems. Hence, the Q - about old or new. (did u notice that rhymed!! :-)))
"and me, the poet, must create and recreate romances of my own, or known or imagined to churn poetry"
I hear ya!! You know the Qs I got for the love letter series, right!!
Perhaps you would consider posting the poem in your comments.....please do. It brings the set to a full circle eh! And you did fail at the attempted humour, elegantly and charmingly!!
No...I am not a new grad student....I just told 'another friend' I would someday post a blog about why I am a regular on Sulls. But then, perhaps I am just a bored H4, eh?? Does it bother you/your friend that I am here so often and/or that I am so candid with my appreciation for anything good or potentially good?? :-))))))
Write more....u write elsewhere?
Vivek Sharma comments:
on Apr 7 2005 9:08AM delete this comment block this user
nonetheless chaya:)
thanks for your appreciation. While you called it superb and intense, I posted it as an attempt at humor:) Obviously it failed to humour much:)!
It is good if I fail this elegantly. Btw: r u a new graduate student? My friends hypothesis: Only a new graduate student can be a regular on sulekha!:)
Vivek Sharma comments:
on Apr 7 2005 9:03AM delete this comment block this user
This was written soon after (or before?) "Will you call me tonight" around 30 hours back; but trust me, read no more between the lines:). I will be a good poet only when people start to see their own stories and selves in my writings, and me, the poet, must create and recreate romances of my own, or known or imagined to churn poetry.
Do I know intelligent girls? I do. Bimbos: like so. Waiting for call: everyone must have done that:P, and tea: come home anytime, anyday and have one! And I get most affected by not only people but also by movies, literature, physics and cricket!:)
Another written with those two discussed here would put everyone off scent:)!
Like her parched lips
Her memories too
Have lost the flavor of
Rosy, juicy delight
And like shades of grey
That her head bears
My feelings for her
Have dimnished, darkened!
chayalife comments:
on Apr 7 2005 3:02AM delete this comment block this user
How do you manage to make this intense emotion sound so simple, almost flippant, unimportant!! The pain does come through rather subtly...u sound so detached in this poem.
Is this new or is it from an old collection?
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